I had the most boring week-end ever ! Don't even want to talk about it ^^.
I don't know, maybe it's time to make this blog "official" to my friends and family... a bit afraid of laughs actually ...
Glee Christmas episode was horrible. Christmas songs are really not my cup of tea. Maybe it's because i'm jewish and i've not been raised with those songs even if I do Christmas though and I used to beleive in Santa like everybody did...
Damn have you watched last Criminal Minds episode ? (yes today I wanna talk about tv shows). They've just found JJ's look-alike ! I was speechless ! But... why did they fired AJ Cook then ? It's was really usless ! Anyway, I still have a litttle crush on Hotch though... yes I'm 19 he's... 48 ! (What about girls crushing on George Clooney ? it's definitly the same !) Like lot of girls I find Reid very very very cute and fluffy but Hotch has so much charisma ! The only problem is when he is not that good looking he kidda reminds me my prime minister.... Eurk ! And sometimes in front of my screen, I'm like "DAMN IT ! No ! Do do that Fillon face ! This is was too UGLY !" -____-"
Oh C'mon !
Ok... I can go out now
Great cape coat :)
j' adoreeee la cape ! j en veux une aussi !