dimanche 19 décembre 2010

I'm not skinny, I'm not tall but I like the snow

Trop crevé pour m'essayer à l'anglais aujourd'hui, en plus un petit coup de gueule... pis voilà !
Bon on s'en fout, il y a pire dans la vie je vous assure, mais c'est quand même c'est un peu chiant
"Aller on rentre le ventre, on contracte les jambes et on serre les fesses... hop ! tu es maintenant lookbooké !"
Je suis sure ce site lookbook depuis un certain temps... Il a l'air génial à la base. Un seul petit hic... si t'as pas l'allure d'une modèle... c'est mort, personne ne t'aime.
Je vous assure ! faut faire les jambes skinny sinon pas de hype... alors quand j'essaye de poster deux trois look, pas plus mauvais que les autres et pas mieux, j'ai... rien =/
C'est assez frustrant !
Les autres sont limite tous des modeles... Il y en a une elle n'a que 17 ans et si c'est pas marqué, je vous assue tu lui donnerais 21 !

bon aller stop, c'est pas la peine de déblaterer sur ça, ça n'en faut pas la peine... ^^

voici quelques photos prise avec ma pote Louise :)











lundi 13 décembre 2010

I'll get him Hotch ! Show him what've got !

Hey guys ! What's new !
I had the most boring week-end ever ! Don't even want to talk about it ^^.
I don't know, maybe it's time to make this blog "official" to my friends and family... a bit afraid of laughs actually ...
Glee Christmas episode was horrible. Christmas songs are really not my cup of tea. Maybe it's because i'm jewish and i've not been raised with those songs even if I do Christmas though and I used to beleive in Santa like everybody did...
Damn have you watched last Criminal Minds episode ? (yes today I wanna talk about tv shows). They've just found JJ's look-alike ! I was speechless ! But... why did they fired AJ Cook then ? It's was really usless ! Anyway, I still have a litttle crush on Hotch though... yes I'm 19 he's... 48 ! (What about girls crushing on George Clooney ? it's definitly the same !) Like lot of girls I find Reid very very very cute and fluffy but Hotch has so much charisma ! The only problem is when he is not that good looking he kidda reminds me my prime minister.... Eurk ! And sometimes in front of my screen, I'm like "DAMN IT ! No ! Do do that Fillon face ! This is was too UGLY !" -____-"
Oh C'mon !

Ok... I can go out now





samedi 4 décembre 2010


Coucou à tous !!! Hi ouai, je me suis un peu amusée avec mon appareil photo ces derniers temps... mon modèle? C'est mon petit frère (oui oui, il est blond, je suis brune... normal ^^)
Alors que je vous explique un petit peu, l'oeil et le nez rouge... ça c'est pas normal. Le pauvre petit souffrait d'un malheureux coup de froid.
Il peu être un peu con, chieur, et incapable de s'arrêter quand on lui dit stop, c'est mon petit frère, il est drôle (j'aurai jamais cru dire ça de lui, il y a quelques années), gentil et avouez qu'il a les plus beau yeux du monde :).

Pourquoi ce titre ? Parceque je me suis inspirée (sauf pour les 2 premières), du style photographique de Terry Richardson (fond blanc, couleurs violentes..)








bisous à tous les madcapiens

lundi 29 novembre 2010

So très charmand my dear

Hello people !
As I promised, here are the photos from my little brother's Barmitva

Salut à tous les madcapiens !
Comme je l'avais promis, voici les photos prise pendant la Barmitva de mon petit frère




mon cousin



robe: Naf Naf - mince les chaussures on les voit pas (Jonak) - serre tête: H&M
Dress: Naf Naf - Damn, we can't see my shoes (Jonak) - Head : H&M

photos par Anne-Lise

vendredi 12 novembre 2010

The Ghost Who Walks

Hey everybody ! I feel so freaking happy today (unlike poor Slanelle ;) ). Yesterday was my little Brother 's Bar Mitva, i just felt like a star. Everybody around you telling you that you look amazing, that just making you so pleased (Especially when you everyday think you're the ugliest !). A photograph was there so picture will come as soon as I receive them :).
And also, I had my hair glossed ! The hair dresser and make-up man was sooooo nice ! While he was glossing my hair, he gave me a little book, talking about fashion all over the twentieth century and show me the 60's pages (he knew I was a 60's big fan).
My dress had a little problem, the zipper was ready to break anytime it wanted to :S. So my grand-ma decided to sew over the zipper. You cannot imagine how difficult it was at 3 am after the party, all tired and exhausted, to cut what my grand-ma did in order for me to be able to put off my dress.

They were a little surprise for me. The stage manager knew I loved the Beatles, so he asked me to sing "Help!' with him. I was like (OMG! I just sing so wrong, espcially this song). But at the end it was ok. Somebody filmed this, so maybe if the cover is not horribe, I'll show you it lol :)

I think I should get dress for the synagogue. Even if I really don't trust God, I must go there for my brother. OOoh I have forgotten to tell you that Yesterday morning was the big day for my brother, not only the party, but the morning, he had to read his "Paracha" in front of the rabbin.
This rabbin can be very strict especially with Max (my brother). But the poor man felt faint (but he is ok now he's gonna be here today). So somebody else replaced him. And it was the funniest prayers time ever ! Max felt so cool and relaxed, he just couldn't stop monkeying around. And I was really really not conventional !

Photos from the november the 11th coming soon

For now, here is some photos taken today :)
I wear a vintage sweater dress - Jonak Shoes - H&M tights








